I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I saw a video on internet ( though I cannot find it anymore to share the link ) in which a Muslim person speaks about plans to take over Belgium and create there an Islamic State.
But this was not some kind of empty talking of a "dreamer". He gave good reasons that this actually may happen for real. He pointed out that there are more and more Muslims in this country ( immigrants ) and the birth rate of Muslim new born babies is higher than of the Europeans ( in this case Belgians ). He also said that this is just a matter of time ( 10-20 years ) and they will gain the majority especially in the big cities. The reason for this to happen will be because the Belgian citizens will move out into other areas as they do not like to live among Muslims. Well... I have to make clear here that I refer to the extremist Muslims who follow and obey strictly the Sharia Law.
So you'll see... it looks like that Muslim invasion is well planned by the "religious" Muslim leaders.
To be continued