I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Look... in reality there should be nothing wrong with the taxation system. As I said this money is supposed to pay for the services provided to the public by the government. Unfortunately the starting point of the taxation system has always been based on the abuse. In the past people were forced to pay taxes under the threat: - of being beaten up, - that their hands will be cut off, - that they will be killed, - of other forms of punishment.
These days nothing has really changed and we are still forced to pay taxes under the threat of heavy financial fine or being imprisoned.
It is also important to mention that the threat of being abused physically for not paying the taxes was not only done by the kings ( their servants and soldiers ) but also by the representatives of the holy and almighty god ( Catholic Church ).
So you'll see... the starting point of our taxation system is and always has been based on abuse and punishment. Nobody really has ever given a shit about your personal situation. You had and still you have to pay taxes no matter what.
Here I must also point out that the resistance towards paying the taxes comes also from the point that only small part of the tax money is spent to benefit the people and the major part is spend on stupid things like military, secret governmental projects, excessive wages for the politicians etc.
So you'll see... the taxation system does not take into consideration what is best for all but instead what is best for the few who are in power. And this the main reason why there so much resistance towards paying the taxes.