I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus how can we support our bodies while living in the current abusive system ?
Well... this is very simple. Give it what it needs - water, food, air and movement.
1. Water - avoid drinking processed, sweet drinks and instead drink water. This is all that your body needs.
2. Food - there has been a lot of discussion and we had a lot of miracle diets. But in the end our population is overweight and sick. So go back to basics. Give your body simple and unprocessed foods. You will see the miracle once you do it.
3. Air - the body needs oxygen and when we are stressed our breathing is very shallow. So become aware of your breathing and give your body the oxygen.
4. Movement - we already know that sitting life style is one of the main reasons for many sicknesses and problems with the body. So find some time to do some exercises regularly and this will help your body.
You'll know... these are all very simple and basic things. But they are proven to be effective. In our craziness we invent super microscopes because we believe that this will give us answers to why we get sick and within this we miss the big picture. We study and investigate the micro- and nanoparticles and within this we forget the common sense and logic and we ignore the basic fundamentals.