I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Look... we have created a system which in its nature is abusive. Look around and see how much suffering we have created. The abuse is everywhere. And I am not talking just about the wars, starvation and poverty. Even the wealthy and medium-wealthy people suffer and are being abused or abuse themselves. I will give you a simple example. We have created a situation when people have to work long hours ( quite often they have 2 jobs ) for less money then what we used to do before. And that simply means that we need to seat long hours in an uncomfortable position looking at the monitor of the computer doing our job. And this is a form of abuse as well. And as long as we do not change the system the situation will only get worse. And this is not that I am pessimist or a negative person. This is simple observation based on facts. As a matter of fact this is a scientific fact backed up by the statistics.
Now... what can we do about it ?
Although this abusive system could be changed relatively easy and quickly ( we could make a huge change within a period of few years ) I know that it will take much longer for us to change it for better. And here comes the condition that we start to do something about it or otherwise it will only get worse.
Thus if we decide that we will do something about the current system then we must realise that we must start to support our bodies as much as we can. Because if we don't do it and if our body gets weak as a result of this continuous abuse ( e.g. working long hours in front of the computer ) then it will be much more difficult for us to change the system. And is simply because we will have no strength and energy to do anything apart from work and then dealing with our sickness.
So how can we support our bodies ?
To be continued