I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
And so he has been sleeping "on the street" for about 2 months. Now is summer and the temperatures are quite pleasant and although Poland is not a tropical country it possible to sleep outside. But in couple of weeks this will change.
Anyway let's explain a little bit more the situation of this man.
Once he realised that he won't receive any help from his family and friends he went to various organizations which help homeless people ( at least with providing food ). Unfortunately people who were sentenced to jail are not entitled to receive this kind of help. And so he became a beggar.
Anyway I ordered him some take away food and while I was waiting for it I continued to talk with him.
And so I asked him what is his plan for the nearest future as soon the summer will be over and sleeping on the bench in the park is out of question. He told me that he does not know. Well... obviously he has tried everything that he could and basically there is no plan for him. But then he told me that most probably he will either steal something small so that he may get back to jail where we would receive at least some food and a room to sleep or he will make a bigger robbery so that he may rent an apartment.
Of course stealing from other people who work hard for their money is "bad and unmoral" but if you were in his situation then what would you do ?
We have got the food and he started to eat right there on the street. I wanted to talk with him more to find out more details but he wanted to go as he told me that he wants to share his food with another homeless person.
WOW...!!! He was hungry himself ( and the portion of food was not that big ) but still he wanted to share it with another person.
And so I shook his hand ( he was dirty and smelly but this did not matter to me ), he said "thank you" and he left.
And I went my way wondering how it all coincided with my article about the higher standard of life in Poland.
To be continued