Problems with finding the job

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

So I have a friend who has been trying to find a job for couple of months now. Of course the situation in the place where he lives is rather difficult when it comes to labour market ( unemployment rate in Spain is over 23% ) but then he is young, very intelligent, with the capacity to learn fast and adopt into a new situation very easy. Apart from this he has the degree from the university and then he has also an experience in various types of jobs which he was doing while studying and 2 years after the graduation. Personally I would have been very pleased and content to have an employee like him but unfortunately I have no place for him. Anyway although he has tried his best he is still without the job and I see that he starts to get sad ( or maybe even depressed ) because of this situation.

Now... what is going to happen with him ?
What is his future ?

Well... all his money is almost gone and he cannot count on help from his family because they are not in the situation of doing it. Personally I have offered him to stay in my house for free until he finds a job. So at least he has got some "kind of luck" because otherwise he would end up literally under the bridge. Finding this job may take even few months but it does not matter. At least he has got place to sleep and food - the very, very basics for the survival.

So as I said my friend is lucky ( like winning the lottery ) that he has somebody ( in this case it is me ) to help him. But then I know that there are many people out there who don't and they must go to live on the street. You'll see... you may have many friends but when it comes a situation like this then suddenly those friends are not there anymore and you are left on your own. And if you have nobody to help you and once you get under the bridge then it is ever more difficult to get out of there. And this is simply because it is difficult to take care of yourself ( hygiene etc. ) and then it is difficult to go for an interview and make any impression during the job interview.

To be continued


Written: 2015 - June - 11   Published: 2015 - June - 28      © Copyright 2015 - Greg Wiater