I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I am really glad that finally ( after 3 days ) I know what I want to write about in my article. So let's start...
Thus today I looked at the point of evolution. And evolution means that the earth as we have it today is not the same as it was some millions of years ago. And the same applies to its inhabitants - including humans. This is very obvious fact and I guess nobody doubts about it.
But let's have a look at one interesting point here. Let's say that we had a time machine and we were able to "transport" people in time. And thus we would be able to bring people from the past into the recent times and vice versa. Do you think that we would be able to survive in the past ?
Look... this is not just about the thing that in the past we had here on earth huge dinosaurs who would eat humans as their source of proteins - just like we eat the animals today. There are also many other elements at play here. Look... there is a possibility that there was a difference in the chemical content of the air, food etc. And probably our lungs would not be able to use effectively the air and our digestive system would not be able to digest and convert properly the food that we eat.
To be continued