I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
I know that this may not make sense to you all.
Because how could somebody create himself a situation ( being robbed and beaten up ) if he does not want to experience it in the first place ?
Look... you are not aware of how this world functions and you do not know the laws of creation and this is the reason why all of this does not make sense to you. You may not wish to be robbed and beaten up but this what you are creating and manifesting.
Thus look at this example as it may help you to understand what I am talking about here. Imagine that you are sitting on the on the branch of the tree and you cut this branch yourself with the saw. You worry that you may fall down but you continue cutting the branch anyway as you believe within your mind that cutting the branch is going to make you fall down. And your belief is strengthened further by the fact that you see other people around you doing exactly the same. And so you continue cutting your branch. From time to time you see some people falling down and getting hurt but you do not stop even for a second to ask question why this happens. Your belief makes you blind and prevents you from using common sense and logic to connect the dots ( facts of the reality ) within your brain that the fall happened because these people cut their branch on which they were sitting. Anyway seeing more and more "innocent" people around you falling down makes you to worry more and more. And you have also another reason to worry as the branch on which you are sitting starts to make squeaking noises as if it was going to break down. You make another belief that this world is brutal and unfair and so you pray to god to do something miraculously to prevent you from falling. You pray "sincerely" but still you continue cutting sown your branch.
Guess what ?
There comes the moment when the branch breaks off, you fall down and you get hurt. You did not wish to fall down in the first place but eventually you did. And it happened because you cut yourself your own branch on which you were sitting and which was giving you support. It happened because you did not see and you could not comprehend within your mind that cutting the branch is going to make you fall.
And so it is with your worries. You do not see and you do not comprehend that these thoughts are like the saw. All these thoughts carry an energetic charge. And the more you think and worry ( also pray ) the more energy is being generated. And this energy accumulates with the time. Sometimes quicker... sometimes slower... and sometimes you "reverse" the process of accumulation. But if the "reversal" is not efficient enough then there comes a point when this energy reaches a critic mass point and it discharges itself. And this discharge is quite painful and shocking. So this energy manifests itself in the physical reality as the falling down ( in our example it is the robbery and being beaten up ).
To be continued