I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
And within this you do not realise that every time to think and worry that somebody may also attack you, you give your power to it. Every time you think about it ( and that also includes your prayers ) you give your energy to it. And this energy accumulates. It may take some years but once it reaches the critical mass point then it will manifest in the physical world. And you will be the main person who will experience this energy in action.
And then guess what is going to happen ?
You are going to be robbed and attacked. I know that this is not something that you wish to experience but this is exactly what you have manifested and created for yourself with your thoughts of worry and prayers to god to protect you from the thieves and abusers.
So you'll see... most of the people don't realise that they have manifested this kind of experience for themselves by themselves. And thus most of the people will feel that they are innocent victims to the brutal attack of some criminals. But the fact is that you are the architect/designer/creator/god who has manifested this experience for yourself with your thoughts of worry. Of course this is not something that you will admit too easy because your ego and your beliefs - which you have accepted and created within your mind - make you blind to see the facts of the reality. And thus you will insist - as an "innocent victim" - that the justice must be done and you will seek some form of revenge.
To be continued