This is the continuation of the previous article:
So... I have moments in my life when I get trapped within the vicious cycle. And it is very clear and obvious that this my choice and there is nobody else outside of myself to be blamed for it. I know that I should not be doing certain things but still I find an excuse to do them and then I deeper into the shit hole.
Now... as I said in the previous article there comes a moment when I start to feel uncomfortable at home because it is messy etc. But then if I make the decision to clean it later or the next day then I enter into the danger zone because tomorrow it may happen that I get unexpected work and I will have to postpone the cleaning for another day or 2.
And what is this danger zone ?
Look... if I continue to be busy and overwhelmed by work then I may decide to compromise my values as I am tired and I simply cannot cope with all the responsibilities.
But here there is one extremely important point. It is not that I am tired and overwhelmed just by my work. All of these things which I leave on the floor of my apartment ( to be cleaned later ), all the mess is being "created" by me and I give my energy and power to it. And all of my "creations" require my attention and my energy to exist. And that simply means that I am also getting tired because of necessity to sustain this mess and all other creations.
So to make it clear... this mess is my creation. I could decide that I do not like my creation and I could do something to change it. But I do not do it because I give my power to it and I get possessed by it. Every time I find an excuse to do the cleaning later and instead play the computer games because I need to relax my mind and get the attention off my work, my creation "takes over" me and I am no longer the creator but the victim and the slave.
So let's go back to the explanation of the danger zone...
So this danger zone is that if I do not act and I do not change the situation but I find an excuse to do it later, I give my power to it, I get possessed by it then eventually I will start to compromise my values and will get deeper into the shit hole - my house will get more and more messy and I will have energy to clean it because I will be all the time tired. And as a part of this whole scenario I will be creating and attracting to myself situation so that I have more responsibilities and less time and energy for myself. This is how my creation will try to secure its survival.
To be continued