I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have noticed one interesting thing one interesting thing in my life. I know that it have already mentioned it in one of my articles but this is going a little bit further and deeper in my analysis.
Thus I have discovered certain pattern in my life and this is that the tiredness and mess in my house go together in pair. So let's say that I have period of increased of work for 1-2 weeks. Obviously this affects to certain degree my well being, which simply means that I get tired. And this is truer the longer is the period of intensive work.
Thus to cope with the periods of intensive work I switch onto the "safe mode" and I reduce or eliminate all activities, which are not on my priorities list ( e.g. training at the gymnasium, dance classes, cleaning the house etc. ) and I use that time to get as much rest as possible.
Now... when it comes to dance classes and gymnasium there is no big deal with it but when it comes to cleaning there is a point that I do not feel comfortable in my house especially when this period of intensive work is getting longer.
To be continued