I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus is it alcohol that is to blame for it ?
I don't think so and I guess you agree with me about it as well.
Now what about the good things related to alcohol ?
- people have good fun and laugh a lot while drinking alcohol,
- people get to know other people much "easier",
- alcohol helps people to relax and forget the "bad experiences easier"
- alcohol kills germs and bacteria and helps to disinfect the wounds
- alcohol can be used in the industry etc.
As you can see alcohol can be used for the benefit of people as well. But do you really need alcohol to have fun and laugh or get to know other people ? You can do the same without alcohol. And what about forgetting the "bad experiences" ? Well... in the end this is suppression and not dealing with the core of the problem which sooner or later will bite you back and much stronger. And in regards to heart and blood circulation problems there are other ways of correcting this problem.
Now... alcohol is neither good nor bad. It is just another chemical substance and it can be used for the benefit of people. But when it comes to the consumption of either for the health or simply entertaining reason, personally I don't see any benefits in it. I say it also as a practitioner of natural medicine. I have tested it and I have consulted it with my other colleagues and I don't see any benefits in it.
But yet there are many people ( just like my friends ) who are convinced that alcohol is good for them or at least it is not doing any harm to them. But what about if we did a global balance sheet in which we would compare the positive and the negative related to the consumption and the use of alcohol ? What about if you could see the real facts of how many deaths, accidents, violence, rapes are related to the consumption of alcohol ? I don't have these statistics but I know that this figure I big... very big. And there is so much suffering and harm related to it.
And apart from this what would you say if somebody got drunk and caused car accident, in which your loved one died or has got severely injured ? Would you still insist that alcohol doesn't make you any harm or that it doesn't affect you ? Well... it would affect you but in different way. Thus maybe alcohol improves your circulation ( but yet I know that it causes other side effects in your body ) but it does not improve the circulation within the global body of the whole humanity.
Thus don't you think that it would be much more beneficial to illegalize alcohol, remove it from the shops and increase spending on education about negative consequences of alcohol consumption ?
But even though alcohol is still commonly available in almost every shop and bar and it is going to take us some time to make it illegal, there is still a lot that you can do prevent the harm related to the consumption of alcohol. Simply don't drink it and this in itself will make a big change in the world. You will see it with the time.