Is alcohol good or bad for me ?

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

Yesterday I talked on the phone with 2 of my friends about drinking alcohol and they told me ( both but independently from each other because they 2 different conversations ) that drinking alcohol is good for them. And one of them justified taking alcohol because the doctor ( which is being regarded by this person as somebody intelligent ) told my friend that a glass of wine or other alcohol taken daily will help her with her heart and circulation problem. And then she told me that she has been doing it for the last 2 years and indeed she feels better in regards to her heart problems.

As a matter of fact that is not the first time that I hear about it but is this one argument enough to consider that alcohol could be good for the human beings to take ?

Now... we don't want to make the decision based on the personal opinions and judgments and instead we will look at the facts.

Alcohol is a physical substance... a liquid which is being consumed by humans. One of the facts is that majority of people are drinking it regularly and then I would say that there is only relatively small group of people who doesn't drink and has never drank alcohol in their life. But because majority of people drink alcohol we cannot determine and make the final statement that the alcohol is good for humans. We have seen it already on the multitude of the occasions that majority can be and actually is quite often wrong and mistaken despite their strong belief that they are not. And thus it can be also very possible that the humans are actually mistaken by believing that alcohol is good for them. And thus we have to investigate further facts related to alcohol.

Another fact related to alcohol is that there is relatively big group of people who are addicted to alcohol and they really struggle to break their addiction. And as a matter of fact there is a lot of people in this world who stay addicted to alcohol for their whole life and never manage to stop it. But even though there are so many people addicted to it we cannot say that alcohol is bad for humans because in the end it is each individual person that gives its power away to the alcohol and then becomes addicted. Thus it all depends on each person and its self-will and self-direction whether she or he will be "controlled" and "enslaved" by alcohol.

To be continued...



Published: 2014 - February - 13      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater