I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have already written articles about slavery:
which continues to exist today even though we believe that this is the thing of the past. In my article I have mentioned that this slavery has evolved and has taken on another form.
Now... today I have seen on Facebook a picture of a bear being locked in the zoo and I have realised that the slavery has not really evolved at all. Maybe it has evolved into more "subtle" forms in regards to humans but when we look at the animals being locked in zoo or in small cages and aquariums at home it is nothing else but the same slavery as it was in the past with black people ( and others ).
Yeah... we use force, technology and tricks to catch a being ( animal ) and we take this being from its environment ( its home ) and we lock it in cages. Isn't it slavery in the "purest" form ?
This is the definition of a word slavery taken from the dictionary.
the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune
I know that most of the people don't think of animals as a person but the fact is that this is a living creature, a being which is just another expression of life. Apart from this in the past white people did not regard black people as another person. Did they ? Because otherwise it would be illegal to catch and use black people as slaves.
And what is the difference then today ?
It is that humans are limited to see that the animals are expression of life. And this being in the body of animal deserves equally the right to freedom of expression and freedom to live where they want and everybody should respect them equally.
Thus a thought for you to contemplate...
Do not lock in the animals in the cages by force. If they like you and if they want to be with you then let them to decide for themselves. If they want to be with you then they will come to you freely and then you will not need to use force to make them stay with you.