This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus you'll see... in theory it would be possible to organise this whole process of making and distributing bread to each individual without money. Yes... all that we need is an agreement that everybody will do the same job as they do now but without money.
But here are few points to consider...
This could function only under the condition that everybody involved into the making of bread is participating in it because if just one person doesn't agree then the whole system is going to fall. This is obvious... isn't it ? Of course there is a certain margin of flexibility within it because somebody else could substitute those who don't agree and still make this system work but the general rule is that everybody should agree to follow and participate in the system as s/he is doing it now but without money.
Another point to consider is how are we going to address the issue that somebody is working very little or doesn't work at all and still s/he drives a Ferrari while others work 12 or even 15 hours a day and still struggle to pay their bills.
Should they continue to struggle as they do now but without money ?
Try to imagine this. These people work as they do now ( 15 hours a day ), they don't receive money for it and when they go to the bakery they receive small loaf of bread while another person comes in Ferrari and gets the best and the finest bread from the shelf. It is obvious that this would not work for long time. Thus you'll see... this piece of paper and belief which we have assigned to it within our mind keeps this whole system together although it is abusive.
Another reason why this system continues to exist as it is, is because people have accepted it as something normal and instead of changing it, they hope that one day they are going break the system and they are going be rich. And within this they also believe that some superior power ( god or universe ) is going to help them with it. And through this belief they give completely their power to the system because instead of stopping and creating a new system which would be best for all, they use up energy and power in trying to break the system.
Well... it has been proven already that this is rather not going to happen. How many people work really hard and still they struggle to survive ? But even if they are able to pay their invoice they must compromise on some other things like health, hobbies, free time, family etc. How many people pray and go to the church or do some other rituals and they live in poverty ? Many... too many... There are very few who are lucky and they win the lottery but what about the rest ?
But one interesting thing would happen if we removed money from the equation because then the current system would go very quickly through profound changes and transformation which would remove the abuse and inequality in regards to access and redistribution of the resources within the system. And this is because then people would start to open their eyes and ask the questions like: "HTF ( how the fcuk I am working 15 hours a day and I struggle to survive while the other guy does nothing and he drives Ferrari ?" ). At the moment you don't ask this kind of questions because at the moment all of your resources are concentrated on trying to get rich or struggling to pay your invoices. You are preoccupied with the survival and you have no time to ask questions.
To be continued...