This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... what is the effective and constructive solution to this situation ?
It is clear that if we have a situation when the government is spending trillions ( basically speaking unlimited amount of money ) on military but it is negotiating every cent and cutting spending on health care, then the system is really fucked up. And thus we must change the whole system. But although it could be done it easily, the reality is that this is going to be a long and difficult process of change. Still... it doesn't matter if it is going to be short or long, easy or difficult... somebody must do it and that somebody is you and me and everybody else. It has been proven on multitude of occasions that complaining is not enough and not effective in changing things and thus we must do practical acts towards the change. And that means that we must support those politicians who will represent the people and who will introduce appropriate changes in the budget and the constitution.
Another practical point about improving the bad health care system is that you must stop blaming the doctors for your bad health and take this responsibility for yourself. As I said before... if you build strong foundations then you will not be sick as easy as you do now. Thus eat real food and not food like substances, drink water and not water like substances, use your full capacity of your lungs and be aware of your breathe, spend time in the nature and take care of it because without it you will not be able to function to survive on this planet and "do unto others as you would like to be done unto you". I guarantee you that your health will improve dramatically once you apply these simple corrections in your life. They are within your field of direct responsibility and capacity to control and change. And once you get better you will see for yourself that we don't need to spend so much money on the health care system as we demand. And once we have more and more people taking responsibility for their health the whole global system will automatically start to change. This is obvious because in the end the whole system has been created by participation of every single individual in it. And thus if the individuals start to change then the whole system will start to change.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to complain about the bad health care system and I have demanded that to government and the politicians change it; within this I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that I am directly responsible for the creation of the current system and thus if I want to change the system then I must change myself and how I create this system.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to complain about the bad health care system instead of investigating what I can do personally to improve my health and state of my body and then applying it in my life.