Now... I don't have any kind of statistics about the satisfaction of people with the current health care system in their countries. But even though I don't have any statistics I know from talking with friends from health care industry and to my patients that people are not happy with the current solution. And this includes even the most "developed" country in the world ( USA ) in which there is so much controversy and dissatisfaction with the ObamaCare "Affordable Care Act".
And on one hand I have to stand on the side of the people because it is unbelievable that we are able to spend trillions of dollars on the military but when it comes to health care system the government is trying to cut the budget.
Thus what should we do with the problem of bad health care system ?
Should we invest money into it ? Should we get more doctors and more hi-tech medical equipment ?
Well... I don't really see it necessary !!! Yeah... no need to spend more on the health care system !!!
Do you know why I am saying it ?
It is because I am the insider. It is because I have dedicated time to study about the human body, about the medicine and about the natural medicine etc. And later I have implied it in my life. And I see that the problem is not really so much in the health care system. The problem is in the whole system.
To be continued...