Doctors and their expensive equipment

In the last couple of weeks I spoke with my friends who have very serious problems with their back and hips. The doctors and the specialists have done all sorts of medical tests with all the hi-tech medical equipment like MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imagining )and PET (positron emission tomography ) scan and now my friends are at the point where the specialists are considering doing the operation on them. It is because they have gone already through a rehabilitation program with the specialists and they have taken their tablets prescribed by the doctors and still there is no real improvement.

Now... one of my friends has the problem with his back and hips as a result of couple of car accidents. Well... it is more complicated but still in one treatment I have achieved what other specialists could not achieve. And I have no access these hi-tech medical equipment and machines !!! And I am almost 100% certain that my friend can get away without the operation if he continues with my rehabilitation program.

The situation with my second friend is much less complicated. The problem has been there already for couple of years but he hasn't had any high speed car accidents. After conversation and quick assessment of his body - and we were not even in my massage studio but on the beach - I was really amazed that the doctors don't see that this problem can be easily fixed. and on top of it without all this hi-tech and super expensive medical equipment.

He just needs to do stretching !!!

Here we have couple of big problems.

1. First of all we waste a lot of money on all the medical equipment.
2. The doctors and specialists send people on the operation table - with all of the consequences coming from it - while in many cases the problem could be fixed through effective rehabilitation program. I say effective because I have seen many patients who went through the whole regime of 20 or 30 treatments without success. But you see... it is not the problem with the rehabilitation but rather with choosing appropriate and effective rehabilitation program.
3. People are waiting for months for the visit with the specials because of the pains in their body while in reality it could have been easily fixed at home.

You know... this whole system is completely fucked up...

You have pain...
you wait for months for an appointment with specialist ( it is not necessary )...
the medical equipment is very expensive ( it is not needed )...
the doctors are getting paid a lot of money ( and they are not effective and they don't really help you but cause more problems if you have to go on the operation table )...
you pay for the medications, pain killers etc. ( not necessary )...
you waste time on visits with the doctors ( not necessary )...
you stop work, hobbies and other activities because of pain ( not necessary )...
you suffer sometimes for the rest of your life if you have to go on the operation table ( not necessary )...

And we talk all the time that we need to spend more money on the better health care !!! Yes we need better health care system but better health care doesn't mean employing more doctors and specialists and buying more medical equipment. It means getting people who can really help you effectively.

What else can I say ?

We are getting lost more and more. We are proud of ourselves that we have all this hi-tech medical equipment which helps us to see the details within out body but within this we miss the point of looking at the basics and looking at the bigger picture. Although it seems that I am really against the doctors I am not. We do need doctors but I see that they need a better education. And by saying better I don't mean that they should study more. I mean that they should study this which is effective.

If you are a patient, here is the advice for you. I recommend that you don't take for granted everything that your doctor tells you. When I have patients with serious problems I always tell them to go to 5 different health practitioners ( including alternative medicine practitioner ) and then make the decision in regards to the treatment program.



Published: 2013 - January - 12      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater