This should be DAY 618. I have messed up with counting the numbers and days while catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday I watched a video on Facebook showing how Spanish police dealt in a brutal way with the demonstrators.
But this is not only about the police in Spain. It is all the same around the world. And although it is really cool to see that people try to stand up and want to change the system by organizing demonstrations but yet on the other hand it is disappointing to see that people don't learn from the mistakes. And the mistake is that people get involved into the violent fights with the police despite the fact that in over 90% of cases they loose the confrontation. And there should be no surprise because we have emotional demonstrators confronting well equipped and trained "cold-hearted" robots who on top of everything have law on their side.
As I said before it cool to see that people organize themselves to say no to the abuse and demand that government and the politicians make the change but the demonstration can be only effective if people do not get involved into fights with the police and army. And this is not that easy which I realized when I saw the video yesterday. Well... actually it is not about being easy or not. It is that usually the demonstration are being organized and based in totality on emotions and illusionary beliefs. There is certain emotion which has triggered and stimulated them to participate in it and apart from this people believe that they are right... they believe that they should be respected... they believe that they have power... they believe that the government should do all what they say and demand etc.
Well... you are right and you should be respected etc. but unfortunately this is not real because the reality is that the politicians and your president have brainwashed you efficiently with their speeches of freedom and peace and respect and you have taken it for granted. You have allowed yourself to believe them blindly. But in the end it is all just beautiful idea which could be and which should be but it is not implemented in real life.
And thus people who participate in demonstrations are being charged with the energy of emotions and beliefs which they have accepted and taken for granted inside of their minds. And in this state it is very easy to explode and get involved into the fights with the police.
To be continued...