This should be DAY 616. I have messed up with counting the numbers and days while catching up with posting online my articles.
Have you ever wondered why so many people fail in their process of change ? It could be anything like quitting smoking, losing weight etc.
There are few reasons:
1. They have an idea that it is going to be easy and nice.
2. They do things only half way which leads to ultimate secret of the effective change which is
3. Lack of absolute dedication and consistency.
Point 1
Nice and easy is an idea which people have quite often in the beginning of the process because usually they start the whole process of change from the point of energetic and euphoric excitement or motivation from the external sources ( e.g. money, fame, success, sex etc. ), which is nothing else but separation. And within this they don't understand that the process of change must come from within and as themselves. Otherwise there is always a point when the source of external motivation dries out and people abandon their project/process of change. This is something like a point zero. There is nothing else outside of them which either pushes or pulls them towards the change. And thus they must "push" themselves and direct themselves from within. And this is not as easy as they have imagined in the beginning of the process. As a matter of fact it is extremely difficult. Well... in reality it only seems to be so difficult because they have never done it before and they feel lost and alone within it. In the end it is not what they have been shown by the current system which always makes everything for them if they pay the money.
Point 2
Doing things half way will prolong the whole process. I have seen it in my own process of change and I have seen it with other people. There was a moment when I saw some progress, I felt happy and confident that everything is under control and that from now on the wheel would roll forward by itself and by the momentum which I have given to it in the beginning and then I have released my focus. And after some time I was surprised and disappointed because I have realised that I am few steps behind.
Point 3
The last point about the absolute dedication and consistency is the only and the shortest way towards the change. If you are not there you will either abandon your goal because you will fail time after time to reach it and eventually you will start to form a belief in your mind that this is not possible to achieve it or you will prolong this whole process.
Thus remember to be honest with yourself when you make the decision about the change. You decide either yes or no... either black or white. Absolute dedication and consistency is the only way to go. The half way in between will never get you to the destination and usually it will create unnecessary consequences for you.