I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have asked myself on many, many occasions how come that people don't see that what they are doing is causing harm and suffering to others ? For example the soldiers... they go to war, they kill other people and they believe that they are doing something good for their country and its people. I know that there are many exemptions from it but yet this statement is true.
But of course this applies not only to the soldiers. In the past I participated in some discussions with my father, my friends and other people because I wanted to point out that their actions and behavior was egoistic and through this they caused harm and suffering to others. But then they did not see it this way and thus the discussions were kind of pointless. I have learned from these discussions that if somebody doesn't want to see it right from the beginning then it is no point getting involved into long conversations with these people because no matter what I say they always find their answer to contradict my argument. And even if some people see that they cause harm to others they come with the justifications that "everybody else does the same" and thus they state that they will not stop doing it.
And thus I was asking myself many times how come they don't see it ?
Now... last weekend I watched the movie "Avatar" and finally I have found the answer. This realization came from observations of the soldiers and especially the one who was in charge of the security of the base on Pandora. You know... this guy with the scars on his head. On one hand he is extremely dedicated to his job and his mission to protect the base and all the people there but at the same time he is obsessed and kind of crazy and he doesn't see at all that he is causing suffering to others. And here I have got a clue that this is happening because he has a program within his mind which runs automatically. In some way it takes control of him and that is why he is blind to the fact that he is causing harm to others.
In the case of the soldiers it is easy to see how, where and when they have got this program being inserted into their mind. Their whole training is so designed that they learn to obey the orders of their general automatically and no matter what. And at some stage they kill one person... the second... etc. and with the time it all becomes "normal". They just follow the orders. They become lost within it and later it is very difficult to convince them and explain to them that this is fucked up and that they should not be doing it. The being which is inside this human body of the soldier is being overtaken by the program and this being inside this body doesn't see anymore this is fucked up.
To be continued...