I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have noticed that people ( including the doctors and scientists ) have a certain idea within their mind that the sickness is caused by one element e.g. virus or bacteria and then based on this linear thinking the doctors and scientist try to find a pill ( medicine ), which would heal the person from the sickness.
Now... it is easy to see that this simplistic ( linear ) approach to the problem of sickness is not effective because until today the doctors and scientists have not found cure for many diseases and as a matter of fact the medicine, which is prescribed to people have many side effects, which later cause more damage in the body of the patient than the sickness itself.
Within this linear approach there is a certain paradox because the scientists and doctors want to make it simple ( by isolating and finding this one element which has caused the sickness ) but yet they make it really complicated because the process of finding this one chemical or substance which would reestablish chemical balance within the body ( healing ) in the laboratory conditions where the influence of the whole is excluded is extremely difficult to achieve. To say it simpler... trying to make things simple by working in isolation and separation of the rest makes it all extremely difficult if not impossible.
And thus here is the conclusion based on the logical thinking...
If trying to find a cure trough isolation and separation of the whole is not effective then we should actually try to go the opposite way and try to find the cure by working with the whole and inclusion of all elements. And although this seems to be really complicated it is actually very simple. You'll see... the sickness comes from separation and not from unification. But because humans operate on the level of ego which is manifestation of separation and isolation then it is no surprise that the scientists are also trying to find the cure from the level of ego and separation. People have illusionary filter in front of their eyes which makes them believe that everybody is separate and that the separation is normal and further they believe that the cure to the disease can be found by separating and isolating the chemicals and substances.
And this is another paradox within the desperate search for finding the cures to the sicknesses of humanity. To find effective cure for our sicknesses we must include the whole and not separate it.
To be continued...