I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
And what about the healing process ? How long is it going to take and which is the best method - traditional or natural medicine ?
The healing process to be effective must stop further expansion of the pyramid and start to dismantle it and all its elements which have contributed towards the sickness. Usually it will not happen in an instance and as a matter of fact it may take some years. I have heard many times about the 7 years period because this is what it takes for the body to change the body cells and the encoding in the DNA of the cells and the more I investigate this topic the more I am convinced that this is the fact. I know that 7 years seems like eternity especially that people have used to "easy and comfortable" life style when they take the pill expecting that the problem will be fixed within the period of few days or weeks. And I have never really heard so far about the doctor of traditional medicine who talks about the healing period of 7 years.
But we must also remember that this period of 7 years is the minimum because if the patient is not going to work and dismantle the whole pyramid efficiently then obviously this period will go beyond the 7 years. And here comes the question about who is going to have enough patients and motivation to work kind of hard with dismantling the pyramid of sickness to get their body completely clean and healthy ? Do you know many people like this in your environment ? I doubt it... and even if you do then most probably you think that s/he is crazy.
Within this there is one important point. Usually the bigger is the pyramid and the longer it has been growing and expanding the longer will take the process of real healing but at the same time once you start working directly with the real cause instead of suppressing the symptoms you will feel better almost immediately. You should feel better physically and also you will feel better and happier inside of you. You need to see it for yourself because it is not always possible to express it with words.
Now... what about the best method ? Should we discard the doctors and traditional medicine and go completely with the natural medicine ?
Well... use whatever works and is effective. I know from experience that natural medicine is the preferred way because it is more body friendly and it doesn't create as many side effects as the strong medications from the pharmacy but at the same time if you know what you are doing then use whatever is necessary and best in the moment. It is obvious that you are not going to take herbs or homeopathic remedies if you are bleeding to death and you need urgent help of the doctors and specialized medical equipment.
Another important point... you have got yourself to the point in your life when you are sick. The sickness is merely the consequence of what you have directly manifested or allowed. It may be at first difficult for you to accept this responsibility but yet this is the fact. And that means that the same way as you have made yourself sick so you must make yourself healthy. Of course it is wise to use help of other who have experience with healing ( doctors and therapists of natural medicine ) but yet you may never forget that this is your problem and you must maintain the attitude that you will to do everything necessary by yourself. Of course a good therapist is aware of it and thus she or he will guide you and assist you in your process instead of doing everything for you. If your doctor does everything for you then you will never learn how you have created it and then it is very probable that you will get sick again because you will make the same mistakes as you did before.
The true healing process may seem very difficult but in reality it is not. It is only difficult for those who are lazy and accustomed to comfortable life in which they have slaves who do work for them. The true healing usually takes long time but it is worth and once you do it you will be very glad that you did it. But here is the secret that you will only know it once you do it yourself all the way from the base of the pyramid back to the starting point which is you.