I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a conversation with a friend of mine about the topic of having quiet and peaceful life.
Well... this wish/desire to have quiet and peaceful life is ok but within this we must take into consideration that within this there could be also an element of running away and hiding from this reality.
How come ?
This entire reality is in its totality the result of the creations, allowances and manifestations of all the inhabitants of this planet. Although we are shown on TV, books and on internet a lot of beautiful pictures with big words about grandeur and infinite love of god, universe etc. it is not difficult to see that there is a lot of suffering and abuse on this planet. Nobody really wants to have this kind of life but at the same time people are literally forced to continue their struggle to survive.
But within this there is a certain group of people who have an opportunity to actually isolate themselves in the quiet place and live out of the money which they have accumulated without the need to work anymore. And this is exactly what I mean when I say that people run away and hide from this reality. Because these people have accepted that this reality is the way it is, that nothing can be changed and they simply try to hide away from the suffering of this reality. But within this they have forgotten that this reality has been actually created by them ( well.. they co-created it ) and they are directly responsible for it. And at the same time they have forgotten that the same way as they have created it they can stop it and create a new system which would be best for all and then there would be no need to run away from it.
Thus if you see yourself wanting and desiring to have quiet and peaceful life investigate whether you don't have intentions to run away from the suffering and abuse of this reality. This will not get you anywhere. And sooner or later you will regret it. Because you'll see... the peace that you are looking for must start in you and in your head first and later it will manifest itself on the outside. Going the other way around is not working at all.