I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Here are the elements which I have identified and which were related to increased tiredness in the last couple of weeks...
I. Here are 2 words from the list of emotions: Sanguinary and Yearning
1. full of or characterized by bloodshed; bloody: a sanguinary struggle. 2. ready or eager to shed blood; bloodthirsty. 3. Consisting of, covered with or similar in appearance to blood. * Not to be confused with sanguine. Sanguine means "optimistic", while sanguinary means "bloodthirsty, gory".
1. deep longing, especially when accompanied by tenderness or sadness: a widower's yearning for his wife. 2. an instance of such longing. 3. an intense or overpowering longing, desire, or need; craving 4. A persistent, often wistful or melancholy desire; a longing: a yearning for romance and adventure.
verb (used without object)
1. to have an earnest or strong desire; long: to yearn for a quiet vacation. 2. to feel tenderness; be moved or attracted: They yearned over their delicate child.
II. Then I have identified deficiency of calcium in my diet... thus I have started to take supplement of Calcium Phosphate and the Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C ). From what I have read on internet it looks like deficiency of calcium in the body affects the bones ( and I have been told by my dentist that I have few teeth with carries ) and apart from this the deficiency of calcium leads to kidney stones. Having stones in the kidney can be very painful but so far I am not complaining about it. And here comes the vitamin C because apparently it helps to dissolve the stones from the kidney.
III. Once I was getting more tired I was trying to correct it with sleeping more but then it didn't work so good because sleeping over 6 hours causes a syndrome of dry eyes and then instead of feeling rested I actually feel more sleepy, lazy and not wanting to do things.
IV. I have noticed that being in the nature makes me feel good but yet lately I have not done it too often and instead I was working a lot and then spending time on the computer at home. And this is just another element which has added to my tiredness lately.
V. The organ which has been most affected by this imbalance is kidney and this is also visible under my eyes which was pointed out to me by my friend.
Thus these are the element which I have identified in regards to my tiredness in the last few weeks and I will further investigate it and try to find the correction.
To be continued...