I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yeah... unfortunately this is the big mistake of the spiritual and religious people. At one stage I was there too. And now I realise that this is not the way to go.
Now... spiritual people believe in the universal love and power of the mind. And they are convinced that the change in the world can be done with the meditation, positive thinking and positive energy. Unfortunately if the positive thinking is not followed by the actions in the physical world then nothing is really going to happen. But still I know that many spiritual people believe that god and/or the universe is going to bring peace and change this world somehow and they continue to meditate and repeat their mantras. And while they are doing this, those who are in power ( politics ) continue with their shit and nobody can stop them. Because to stop politicians from doing the shit and abuse for the sake of profit somebody has to do it in the physical world through physical actions ( voting, activism etc. ). To change something in this world somebody has to stand up to the current system and the politicians and present new system which is best for all and which places life as its priority instead of profit.
Now... god is not going to stand up to it. If he has not done anything towards it so far thus why should he do it later ? There is always a question why he doesn't get involved and he allows massive abuse on earth ?
Thus if we cannot consider god as somebody who will change the current system then there is only me, you and the rest of people who can do it. Thus don't ignore politics. Don't try to separate yourself from it and hide yourself in the light of spirituality.
Another important point is that spiritual and religious people are prone towards organising demonstrations out of the despair. But you'll see... the demonstrations are not effective as they are being regarded as illegal and thus the politicians have the right to use force and the military against the demonstrators. And 99% of times they win it.
And thus to stop the politicians and those who are in power we must do it in the legal way following the law and the rules of the politics. I know that this is the last thing that you want to do. But it looks like this is the only effective way to go. Thus stop ignoring it and consider getting involved into politics. And once you are in power then you will have the capacity to present the changes in the current abusive system. If you cannot become a politician for various reasons then at least you should support those who are active and who have clear principles and values and who want to make the change of this abusive system.