I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yeah... we can find a lot of beautiful films and pictures of nature and animals on internet, on TV and in the books. And we are amazed by them. We are amazed by their beauty.
And that is fine but it looks like people are completely blinded by these pictures and they don't see that this beautiful nature with its animals and other creatures is being destroyed at accelerated pace and if we continue like this then many of these beautiful pictures will be only a memory of the past.
Yes... I am not exaggerating... there are ever more animals, insects etc. being declared as extinct. Not so long ago we heard the story about the last black rhino being killed and there are many other species which unfortunately soon will join the fate of the rhino.
And thus... WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!
Do something about it. There is nobody else who can do it. There is only you and me and the rest people.
God has already proven that he doesn't give a fuck about it and he let the last rhino to die. In his almightiness he hasn't done anything to prevent it. Well... this should also make us think that god doesn't exist at all despite of the belief of the majority of people of this planet because it is beyond any imagination that somebody so powerful and full of infinite love could possibly allow it !!!
Thus realise that you must do something about it. We must stop and change this destructive system. I know that this is difficult and there is a lot to be done. But that doesn't mean that this is not possible at all. Thus act and do something. Let's start with the initiative of LIVING INCOME GUARANTEED presented by EQUAL LIFE FOUNDATION. Investigate it and support it.