I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have heard many stories about the devil in my life. And when I was a child I even feared of the devil in the dark places which was the result of hearing the fairy tales and stories from my parents, from the priest in the church etc.
But I have never asked myself a question about how is it possible that the devil can be in so many places at the same time ?
Because there are many people in this world who report that they have either seen the devil themselves or they know somebody who has been possessed by the devil. And all of this means that devil has the super powers to be in many ( thousands or even millions ) places at the same time.
I know that this question is somehow ridiculous to ask and talk about but at the same time it is not because the belief that the devil is real is very strong and real.
But again this is another proof that we take some beliefs for granted, we accept them as real and then we don't even bother to look at the facts which on many occasions would clearly show us the stupidity of our belief/s.
Thus start questioning everything in your life and look at the facts. Ask questions regarding your culture, tradition and everything that the majority of the population does and believes. And this questioning and investigation should also include beliefs and facts regarding the almighty god. You may be very surprised. Or you may have a lot of laugh when you realise stupidity of what you have accepted and allowed yourself to believe for your whole life even though the facts were right before your eyes indicating that all of it is not real.