I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The Elite - those who are in power, either officially or unofficially have committed and are committing a lot of crimes but still they are very well protected by the official laws and thus they are almost untouchable.
They have access to practically unlimited supply of money and they have at their command army and the police force. And thus if somebody would try to stand against them s/he would be smashed in an instant by them or rather their slaves ( army and police ). That is what I am saying. They commit crimes but yet they keep their hands clean all the time because they pay others to do the dirty job for them.
And even if you manage somehow to prove that they have committed the crime then you will be either eliminated from this world and nobody will know the real motives behind it or if you are lucky you will be jailed for long time ( if not for the rest of your life ). And this is because if you have access to unlimited supply of money and you have corrupted lawyers, policeman and soldiers at your service then it is really easy to fabricate some false evidence that you have committed crime yourself and you will be sentenced for it in the court.
The elite is almost untouchable but yet there is a way to get them. And they know about it. But you don't. And that is why they have been for so long used and abused by them.
Thus the only way to remove the elite from power is by stopping giving our power away to them. Yes... it is very simple but yet so difficult to implement in real life. Don't go to the army. Don't allow yourself to be corrupted. Don't allow yourself to be brainwashed. Educate yourself. Stop drinking alcohol. Stop taking drugs and getting addicted to other stuff. All of it makes you weak. And once you are weak and preoccupied with it then you don't act and you don't do anything to change the world. Breathe and be aware all the time because once you are aware all the time then nobody can brainwash, hypnotize, control and manipulate you.
And then... once you are strong then you could unite with other people and as group you will be untouchable to the elite.
Thus stop complaining about the elite and how bad they are. Do something. It is all very simple. The choice is yours.