I am catching up with posting online my articles.
We think that slavery was a thing of the past when the Europeans were conquering and discovering other continents and thus comparing our current situation with the past we believe that we are completely free today. Unfortunately this is just an illusion created in our own minds because the reality is completely different.
Have you ever heard about the sex slaves ?
Many women ( including children ) are being taken by force and obliged to sell their bodies. We hear about it from time to time on the news but this is much bigger problem than you actually think. It is that you simply don't see it because you are blinded by the illusion of freedom.
And what about the black people ? And actually it is not only black people but also people from poor countries. We don't have any more a situation when we bring by force black slaves to Europe or America. This wouldn't be allowed anymore by the public. But we have situation when these people come self willingly and then they work literally as slaves here because this is the only way for them to survive. You don't think about it as slavery because you think that this is their own choice to come to developed countries.
And now let's talk about you. You think that you are free because your president, politicians and media repeat this slogan to you quite frequently... don't you ?
The reality is that you are slave to the current economic system and those who control it. You are not free. You only believe that you are. The slavery has never stopped on Earth. It continues as it used to be for many thousands of years.
But the problem is that you don't see it. And because you don't see it and at the same time you are 100% convinced that you are free, thus you will not try to change it. As a matter of fact you will fight all of those who will try to change this current system because you believe that they are trying to take away your freedom. It is all illusion which has been made to look like the truth. And thus the fact is that the slavery continues on Earth on a massive scale.