I am catching up with posting online my articles.
A very similar situation ( to the mentioned above ) is when a person starts to wake up from the illusion and doesn't want to treat the symptoms but he wants to go the core of the problem ( sickness ) and correct it. All this means that this person doesn't want to give more power and energy to the system which is the cause of the sickness as it extracts the energy from the body making it weak and eventually sick. Thus by stopping giving more energy by a person, the system doesn't get its fuel.
As I said in previous article 1 drop less in the ocean doesn't make a big difference but yet this 1 person becomes a danger for the whole system as s/he becomes an example for others who may also follow. And then we would have a situation when there is less and less drops in the ocean and the system would get less and less energy for itself. Thus as a self-defence the system tries to cut off its support for this person.
And this exactly what I saw lately with few of my clients, friends and myself. For example last year I was sick and I couldn't work for few months. But I have decided not to go the easy way and use the methods proposed by the system ( doctors and the medicine which suppress the symptoms and give me the illusion that I am getting better ) but instead I have decided to get to the core of the problems. And instead of getting help and support I received actually the opposite. I got more problems and difficulties in my life on top of the sickness. Obviously the system didn't like it and I was left on my own and I had to push myself through a lot of shit.
Anyway I am glad that I did it. Now... after going myself through this whole process it is easier for me to see a very similar pattern in other people's life. As I said I observe this situation with my patients as well as my friends. And there are those who believe in the system and go this way ( which seems to be "easy and normal" ) and there are those who go against the system ) which seems to be illogical ) but then they find themselves in a difficult situation when they lose their financial stability, they go through a lot of difficulties and they have to push themselves really hard through it.
Well... this is the current situation in the current system. But still here is a good news because we are not left on our own completely. For those who are interested in real change there is a great support from Desteni Group. There is a lot of educational material and also live assistance from qualified persons who have gone themselves through the process of change and can assist others.
To finish I would like to encourage all of you to go to the core of the problems although it seems harder. Once you do it you will be glad that you did it. And you will also realise that the other way presented by the system was not easier at all and it has got you more problems that you had before. But then it may be too late to do something because once your body is sucked dry out of the real life substance it is extremely difficult to do something about it. It is not impossible but yet it is very difficult. Thus stand up to the system and stop giving it your energy, your power and sacrifice your body to it as soon as possible.