I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The system needs you because your input of your energy which is obtained from your body with the use of thoughts, feelings, emotions etc. is crucial for its existence and its continuity. It is not that the system will fall apart if you don't give your energy into it but at the same time every drop counts and once we have 7 billion of drops then we have the whole ocean. Thus the system needs you and it will literally "squeeze" every drop of energy out of your body. Of course you will not be told about it in the face but instead you will be manipulated in such a way that you will think that this is normal, that it is part of life, that this is the way it is etc.
Thus as long as the energy can be extracted from you the system will support you and try to help you when you are sick. But you see the sickness has been caused by the system itself through the excessive extraction of energy from your body and thus the system will never be able to really help you to get healed but instead it will make you believe that you are getting healed by the suppression of the symptoms. Of course will feel somehow better and you - being thankful to god or whatever for the "healing" - will continue to participate in the system without questioning it at all and in the meantime the system will continue to extract the energy from your body and that means that eventually you will get sick again. Then the story repeats itself couple of times until you are completely "sucked dry" and then you are being dumped by the system. The system loses its interest in you. Literally it is like the saying: "business is business". You have nothing of value to the system and thus you may fcuk off.
To be continued...