I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I know that I have written about this topic before couple of times. But today I have reached again the point of being very tired from working long hours in the last couple of days and I got home and I still have to write my article for today.
And I don't really feel like doing it at all... But this is not only about that I don't feel like doing it. I am very tired and it is difficult to concentrate.
I have faced this point many times and I have decided to make appropriate corrections to avoid this type of situations. And I was doing much better but there are certain things at the moment which are beyond my control. And thus I had to accept extra load of work in the last week because prior to that in the last few weeks it was very quiet. I had fewer customers.
This is simply the reality of the current system and as long as I ( we ) don't change this system then I have face this type of situations when I have to work beyond my "safety" limits.
Thus I am not going to write much more tonight. I have a rest.