I am catching up with posting online my articles.
There is one thing which really fascinates me about cockroaches. I cannot comprehend why I have reaction of disgust when it comes to these creatures. I have been looking at this point lately especially when I came across magnified photos of ants and mosquito. My thought process was that if I could see magnified photo of the cockroach with all the tiny elements of his/her body then I would certainly be amazed just like I was when I saw the ant and the eye of the mosquito.
Thus having this thought in my mind I was observing the cockroach walking in my house. And just to let you know that I live in the subtropical climate and the cockroaches here have quite a big size ( just like on the photo above ).
I didn't try to kill the cockroach with the spray nor try to catch him and throw him out of my house. I was just sitting on the chair and I was observing him. But all the time I was having this reaction of disgust of this creature.
I was contemplating the idea of holding the cockroach in my hand but this is giving me even stronger reaction. And it is all fascinating because I have quite a strong reaction going against the logic. And the logic is:
- Cockroach is no more dirty then the fly or the ant. All of these insects walk and touch the same surface ( floor of my kitchen or living room ) of my house and thus they all should have bacteria and other shit on their feet. But I don't have the same reaction of disgust towards fly or ant as I have towards the cockroach;
- The body of the cockroach is as amazing as it is of the ant or fly;
- If we could see the body of the cockroach under microscope we would not see dirt on their legs or body. I am sure that they maintain their body clean in the same way as all of the animals. We cannot see it but this is something normal among animals and all living creatures.
- The cockroach is some hundreds times smaller than human body but yet we are afraid of them as if they were serious threat to us.
- Another fact is that cockroach is expression of life in its body and thus it has the same right to live here as humans do. Simply speaking cockroach is equal to the human.
And thus having all of these facts of logic I am asking myself why am I reacting towards these creatures with disgust ? And I am asking myself this question quite often in the last few days and I am fascinated by it. I am laughing at myself that I have this strong emotional reaction despite the logical explanation.
To be continued...