I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Again today I have seen on Facebook a photo of an eye of a mosquito which has been magnified 22 million times. It is incredible and fascinating with all of the details and complexity of their whole body. The only thing is that they are very tiny and we cannot see it with our eyes. But on the other hand even though this "thing" ( mosquito ), which is a life form, another being is very tiny it is also very annoying especially at night when it makes its "flying mosquito" noise and tries to find a spot on our body to stick his/her nose in, leaving it later very itchy and painful. We all know it... don't we ?
Thus looking at the magnified photos of insects makes almost all of the people seeing it to say "wow !!!". And this is cool. And thus all of us should see those pictures because then this would make many people to think more profoundly about life, nature etc. And I would say that this would make people to stop thinking that they are the superior species on this planet which has the right to use other "lesser" beings and life forms for own pleasure and benefits.
But let's go to the cockroaches because this is the topic of this article.
I know that this is short article again but I have been working a lot yesterday and today and I am very tired. Thus I will continue tomorrow.
To be continued...