I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Recently I have seen a photo of people posing with the giraffe which they have killed and then the same with other people posing next to dead elephant.
Now... I have some questions...
Why are you so proud of it ? Why are you smiling on the photo ?
For sure you want to show to others that you are so special... don't you ? But you have posted it on Facebook because you want to show to the whole world that you are more special than others who cannot kill an elephant or a giraffe.
Congratulations for your stupidity.
You wouldn't kill another human being and you wouldn't post online a photo of you with this dead person. But you did it with the giraffe !!! Obviously you think that the giraffe, elephant or other animals are just animals or objects... don't you ?
Well... you are wrong. This giraffe is another being who wants to live and enjoy his/her life in peace. Just like you and me. Yes... this giraffe is another being equal to you and me who deserves to live. It is not here to be your trophy on your photo on Facebook. It is that you have never thought about it and you have taken for granted beliefs of the society that animals are less than humans.
It is all wrong. This must be changes as soon as possible because otherwise many animals will become extinct.
Anyway... if you want to be really special than do something to protect the animals and make everybody aware that they are other beings who deserve respect and live in peace. And then you will be really somebody special !!!