I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Recently the topic of the Basic Income Grant is becoming more and more popular. For example Swiss are going to vote soon on the practical implementation of it in their country and the rest of Europe is in the phase of gathering 1 million signatures to be able to make an official petition to the ECI Commission ( European Citizen's Initiative ).
I think I have already written about it before but this topic of what we are going to do with the abusers comes very often in the discussion about "what and how". There is a lot of doubts and fears that the whole idea will fail because of the abusers. But what is interesting within all of these discussions is that people do not think of those who are in power and commit crimes on the big scale ( the big fish ) but instead they are concerned about all the "small" people who do not want to work and take the advantage of the current system of the social help. For example Germans complain about the Turks who live in Germany and many of them don't work but are the first to complain about their bad situation and demand social help. And they justify it with the fact that they have many children.
I don't live in Germany to know how it is for real but this is what the Germans say about it. But then again it makes all sense because Germany is not the only country which struggles with the problem of the inflow of immigrants in search for better economic conditions. And then not all of these immigrants want to give something to the economy in the form of their services but instead they try to milk the system of social help as much as possible and send their money to their families who live in their country of origin.
This is a problem and the consequences of it will be visible in the near future unless we address it and correct it effectively. But then although this is important to fix it as soon as possible then we cannot forget that there more and more people affected by the crisis and who are literally left without any means of help because not all of the countries have good system of social help. And for example I can see it in Spain which is affected strongly by the problem of unemployment and there are many people who don't receive any more unemployment benefits. And many people really struggle to survive.
And thus I see it as priority. We must help all of those people who have no income and it is not because they don't want to work but because there is no available work for them. Thus we must somehow compromise temporarily and help these people. And once everybody's basic needs are secured then we can focus on the problem of the abusers of the system. And this can be done effectively only through proper education system. Of course this will take some time but eventually it will bring beneficial results to the society and the whole economy.
And in the meantime we must kind of go on the compromise and allow them to continue abusing the system because the priority is to help those who have no means to survive and they are forced to live on the street - BASIC INCOME and LIVING INCOME GUARANTEED.