I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Addiction is a very serious problem in our society. When it comes to addiction most of the people think of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs but in reality this problem goes very far beyond it. And what is even more fucked up is that you don't see that you are addicted to many others things because you have accepted and defined them within your mind as normal. And this belief makes you blind to see the fact that you are also addicted to: sugar, sex, watching porn, masturbation, pain killers, antidepressants, TV, computer games, abuse, money etc.
But this is not all because it is not only that you have accepted something as normal but you have also defined it as your "birth given right" and thus when somebody is pointing out to you that you are addicted, you feel as if that somebody wants to take away your freedom and your rights and you literally attack this person.
But it doesn't matter how you define or name your addiction. In the end you are being controlled by it and you are not free. You are literally a slave to it. But of course you don't see it and you believe that you are free.
Thus I recommend to you that you learn and study about the addiction and how it functions. Take on one of your obvious addictions and try to stop it. You cannot do it easy then investigate all of the points which "hold" you in it. And once you break down into pieces your addiction and you realize how it functions and then you stop it and you free yourself from it, then you will make a huge step in your personal process of evolution. Once you do it you will really see for yourself that you were not free despite the fact the earlier you thought and believed with "all your heart" that you are free. Apart from this you will start to see and realize that pretty much all of the addictions have the same underlying pattern behind them and the difference is only in the substance or situation to which you are addicted. And knowing this it will be much EASIER for you to free yourself from other addictions.
But look... I have written the word easier in capitol letters. It is important. Because knowing how the addiction operates and functions doesn't mean that it will be easy for you to free yourself from other addictions. With some addictions you will still have to push yourself through a lot of resistance and this may not be easy. But still... as I said before... knowing how the addiction pattern functions makes it easier for you to stop it rather then for a person which has no idea about it. Thus again I encourage you to investigate and study about addictions and later apply this knowledge in your life. The benefits of freeing yourself from the addictions are enormous and you will be very pleased with yourself once you do it. But unless you do it you will not appreciate it because in this moment in your mind you give more value to the illusions of freedom rather than to the real freedom.