I am catching up with posting online my articles.
We all know how it is with the relationships... they start, some of them last all life but others end sooner or later. We also know that majority of the relationships end up because of the incapacity to resolve the problems and the partners literally not stand each other anymore. They are angry, aggressive, disrespectful, and abusive towards each other, blaming the other side for the problems etc.
But there are also relationships which end up in peace or the partners are able to solve the problems after the split and later they are capable to find a way to maintain friendship. They go their own way but they stay friends.
But then there are also situations when these people start new relationship and their new partner demands from them to not maintain contact with their ex-partner. For many people this seems to be something completely normal and not questionable. But is it really that normal ? Let's have a look closely at this point.
First of all it is completely possible to finish the relationship of partners and later stay friends. I have done it myself and I know other people who do it as well. Why not ? What is wrong with that ? Should I completely eliminate, forget and "delete from existence" ( if that was possible ) my ex-partner just because I have had a relationship with that person and then my new partner demands it from me ?
It is absolutely stupid to do something like this. But then I know that many people allow to fall into this trap out of fear of not upsetting their partner and losing him/her.
What are we dealing with here in this situation ?
First of all we are dealing with a partner who has big ego, is not secure of him/herself, is jealous etc. And thus I would recommend to all who are facing this situation to not sacrifice their friendship with ex-partner just to satisfy ego of their new partner. It is not worth. This type of relationship usually turns into bitter disappointment, suffering and abuse with many other problems. It is only a matter of time and when this happens you will regret that you have given up your friendship.
Secondly if you allow something like this to happen then it also shows that you have some unresolved issues within yourself and thus you should investigate for yourself what you have allowed within this new relationship which is the mirror of your own mind and ego - your own fears, insecurities etc.
Remember... do not sacrifice your friendship whether this would be your ex-partner or any of your friends just because your new partner demands it from you. It is a red flag that your new relationship is not build on love and equality and instead you are entering the a relationship of ego which will give you the opposite to what you would like to experience.