I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Maybe you earn a lot of money and you are successful in your work. Maybe you are famous and maybe your life is perfect. But I guarantee you that there will come a moment in your life when you will desperately need help of others and you will not receive it.
But it is not that you could not get the help at all because in other circumstances you get this help without a problem. It comes to the point that the current system is not designed to help you as a human being.
You'll see... while you earn a lot of money and you are successful you live literally in the fantasy world believing that you can do anything and that you are untouchable. But this is just the illusion and the success and money make you blind to see the reality of the current system. And thus the current system is designed to make profit - as a matter of fact to make as much profit as possible no matter what. And this system has a subsystem within it designed to help you when you need it ( e.g. doctors, insurance etc. ). But of course in order to get this help you need to pay for it because the overall system must make profit according to its principle. And as long as you have enough money to pay for it then it is ok for you and you won't investigate and you won't question its effectiveness. You will just follow it and you will believe blindly that it can help you with everything whenever you need help.
Well... this system will help you almost with anything but under the condition that you have money to pay for it.
But what about if you don't have enough money ?
Normally when you ride the wave of success you don't think about it. You just believe that you will be able always well provided with money and you will be always able to pay for the services of help.
Well... this is your mistake and sooner or later you will find yourself in a situation when you will need help desperately but you will not receive because you will either have not enough money anymore or maybe because those who could help you are busy trying to make as much profit as possible or they are struggling so much with securing their basic survival needs that they will have to ignore you. And you will shout in anger and despair trying to get others to help you. You will cry. You will beg others to help you but they will not do it. And then maybe one of your loved ones will die because you were not able to get help. But I say again that it is not that it was not possible to get the help at all but just because the current system was not designed to help you.
Thus when you find yourself in this situation stop for a while blaming others for not helping you. Take a deep breath and try to realise that many times before this moment of crying desperately for help you have had many opportunities to do something about this current system and change it but you have ignored it. You were blinded by your illusionary success and you didn't see the reality. You have laughed at those who came to you proposing you to join them in the effort to change the current system and create a new system which is best for all. Thus you see... you are the one who is directly responsible for a situation when your loved one is dying in your arms and nobody is there to help you although they could. You could have done something to prevent it but you didn't it.
Thus learn something from this painful experience and start doing something now before you or your family or friends finds themselves in a similar situation when they need help but nobody will help them although they could.