I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is obvious that this current economic system is really far from being perfect. And it is easy to say it by looking at the standard of life of people on earth. And it is not necessary to look at the poorest countries in the world but it is actually enough to investigate the situation in the wealthiest countries. Thus we can see those who are living in luxuries literally without limits and there are many who are struggling to survive while being used by those who are rich to build their fortunes.
Anyway there is no need to give more examples because it is very easy to see the imperfections of the current system. Thus one would presume that at least those who struggle ( and which btw is big part of the populations ) would be interested to change this current system so that their life would be easier. But interestingly this is not the case because majority of the population does literally nothing or some do something but not enough to change their difficult situation.
And I could give many examples to prove my point... for example in the recent days I have tried to get people to sign the petition to the Commission of the European Citizen's Initiative ( ECI ) proposing implementation of new law and regulations so that every citizen of the European Union receives unconditionally certain monthly income which would be enough to meet basic needs of each person - food, clothes, housing, health etc. This would bring many benefits for all and one of them would be that this way we would eliminate poverty, starvation, homelessness, etc.
Thus I was thinking that people would support it and sign the petition and later ask their friends to do the same. Well... this is not as easy as one would expect...
Thus why is this ?... because it doesn't make sense at all !!!
There are many reasons for it and one of them is that may people have accepted unconditionally the limits of the current system ( we don't have money to sponsor something like this ) and they simply reject this idea completely. And they also have a need to prove their point in the discussions on Facebook because it makes them feel good by "being right" and "being the winner". It is said that their need to feel right will attribute to the continuation of the suffering and abuse which is normal part of this current system.
Anyway... do we really have enough money to implement Living or Basic Income System in real life ?
The answer to this question is "no" but only as long as we think within the limits of the box ( this current system ) which supports the interest of the very few and is the reflection of the ego of every individual. Once we have more people who are ready to give up their ego and self interest then we will be able to implement the new system.
Thus for the moment I don't really believe that we will be able to get 1 million signatures before the 14 Jan 2014 to make an official proposal to the ECI and thus we must focus on the education process so that people realise that they must act and support the new proposal when we do it next time.