I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The current situation on earth is not good at all. In 2007 we have entered officially in crisis which continues until today and we will not really see the end to it very soon. The economists and the politicians try to convince us that the economies are stabilising by showing us various economical indicators but the reality is completely different because even in the strongest economies ( e.g. Germany ) it is more and more difficult to run successful business. And this is what I was told today by the insider ( a person who lives and works in Germany ). The indicators show that the economy is ok but the real life is different.
Well... this should be no surprise to anybody. We have very high unemployment in many countries of the world and thus if people have no money then it is impossible that the businesses can grow because less people are buying the products.
Thus this is point number one. Secondly we have problem with the pollution and the environment. Wrong management of the natural resources and the food production which is focused on making as much profit as possible instead of taking into consideration basic needs of the population causes a situation of inequality in which some live in luxury while others literally have nothing to eat and no place to sleep ( no home ).
Then we also have the intentions of those who are in power to get more power and more control of the rest of population. Thus they are trying to keep the population uneducated because then it is easier to control them and use them and abuse them for own benefits. But you know... there comes a point when people will eventually say no to this abuse and taking advantage of them and thus we see more and more demonstrations throughout the whole world. But the problem is that very often these demonstrations get out of control and then we have confrontations with the police and the army or we even have wars which last months or even years ( Libya, Egypt, Syria etc. ).
Thus to me it is clear that the things must change. It is inevitable. But the question is how it is going to happen. Because it can happen through demonstrations and revolutions which are always unpredictable or we could do it in a smart way and direct the change in completely peaceful way.
Yes... it is possible to make the change in peaceful way but we must unite and act together in one group. And it cannot be done by one person. All of us must be active and participate in the change. This is the only way to go and the objective of the change must be orientated on the principle of what is best for all because otherwise sooner or later we will recreate again the situation of inequality and this will bring conflict again.
Thus support Living Income Guaranteed because this is the first step towards the change which is best for all.