I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The era of going to Africa, catching black people, getting them chains and bringing them despite their will to America or Europe is over but that doesn't mean that the slavery is over. It does continue but it has taken on different form.
Here is the story...
I live on the small island which belongs to Spain and which is close to the African continent. Well... I say that it is close but still there is over 200 km to the African coastline. Anyway... from time to time I hear on the news about the boats filled up over the limit with illegal immigrants from Africa. Obviously Spanish government is not happy about it but because these people from the boats arrive without any identity documents then it is impossible to send them back home because police doesn't know from which country they arrive.
And thus the government is forced to allow these people to stay in Spain though some of them are being transferred to the mainland of Spain as the island and the local government has no capacity to accommodate these people here.
But some of them do stay here and I can see them on the streets. Because it is not easy for them to find legal job as the island itself is having its own difficulties and problems with unemployment of 35%, thus they are doing "illegal jobs". And what they do is they walk from restaurant to restaurant and they try to sell to the tourist various toys, watches etc. At first I was surprised that the policemen don't do anything about it but then I have realised that even if the policemen stop these people then they can do nothing about it because they cannot be sent back to Africa ( as I have mentioned before ).
I have observed them quite often with curiosity and I have seen that they do sell some of their stuff but I hardly doubt that they would make much money on it. I have thought for long time that they are buying their stuff very cheap in the warehouse and later they sell it on the street to the tourists. Well... I was naive... not long ago somebody has pointed out to me that these people must pay part of their income to somebody who controls this "black market". I don't know whether they pay percentage of their income or whether they must pay a fixed amount every month but the fact is that they are being controlled and used by somebody else. They are being used and abused. They do get some money for themselves and they don't have chains attached to their body but they are forced to work for somebody and as such they are nothing else but "modern black slaves".
Can we do something about it ?
Yes we can though it will take some time because we must educate people, unite them and get them to change the current economic and social system so that everybody has equal right to work and Living ( Basic ) Income Guaranteed to cover at least the basic survival needs - food, cloths, water, accommodation etc.