I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In the last few days I have talked to couple of people with quite serious health problems and then after investigating further the case I have found out that they have been prescribed by the doctors tablets and sprays which contain steroids and hormones.
Now... I still don't know thorough history of their case and their sickness but without knowing it, there is a certain similarity of their case, which rings the alarm bell very strongly. And I have also seen it with my mother at some stage and now I start to connect the dots.
When my mum was going through the menopause she was prescribed medicine as a part of the hormone replacement therapy. In the very beginning it was helping her to go through very unpleasant and difficult moments related with menopause but after some weeks she started to develop secondary problems with digestion, she put on weight, she had more headaches and others. In the beginning she didn't know what was going on. She attributed it to the menopause and she also thought that maybe she has a cancer or some other serious disorders. She got scared and worried about it. It is normal.
Anyway... only after many months of increasing problems she realised that this was to do with the hormonal tablets that she was given by the doctor. She has stopped taking them but unfortunately many of these problems didn't go away and as a matter of fact they stayed with her for many years.
To be continued...