I am catching up with posting online my articles.
3. Another important point which people don't understand and later question effectiveness of homeopathy is this... your sickness is not just the result of just 1 element e.g. bacteria and viruses or any other thing. It is a compound of many elements. And to get better you must address and correct all of these points which together have manifested the sickness. And within this you must understand that you must literally move your ass and start doing some things like facing and confronting you fears, emotions etc. and correcting it. And for example you will have to confront your partner who is abusing you and taking advantage of you; or your boss; or your family. You know... all of those small and insignificant things but yet all of these small things you are afraid to confront. And this is how you give your power away, your energy etc. All of this creates stress and other disturbances within your body and at some point it all manifests itself as a sickness.
There is no way around. The homeopathic remedy will assist you with the change but if you don't make corrections in all areas of your life the change will not be permanent or nothing will change at all.
I know that once you are sick and you are in the middle of the big problems it is difficult to believe that something like homeopathic remedy ( which is a chemical extremely diluted in the water ) can help you to solve it all. As I said this is not just the remedy because you must move your ass and face your fears. But it will assist and help you to move the things on the subtle levels and once it starts moving and shake the firmaments of your problems then you have the opportunity to change things which before you believed that you cannot do.
Homeopathy works in a very subtle way but is very powerful. It is just that you have been taught and brainwashed into believing that only strong medications ( e.g. chemotherapy ) can help you and thus you ignore and disregard homeopathy.