I am catching up with posting online my articles.
First of all I am not practitioner of homeopathy. But I am practitioner of natural medicine and I have heard about it, I have had a chance to see it in action in the last year when I got serious problem with my skin ( psoriasis ) and apart from this I have a luck to have a friend who is one of the best homeopaths in the world ( Manuel Garcia Mancheno from www.centroganesh.com ). Thus I have enough information and direct experience of it from the side of the patient to be able to say something about it.
Let's start...
Why people have so many doubts about the effectiveness of homeopathy ?
1. There are those who are good at something, those who are less proficient at something and there are those who are very good at something. And thus if you go to somebody who is not so good at the homeopathy then you will be disappointed because you will not see any changes with your health problem and then it will be easy for you to spread the rumours that it doesn't work . But if you had a chance to go to somebody who is really good at it then the story would be different.
2. Homeopathy doesn't work like the traditional tablets from the doctor. It functions according to completely different principle and thus you will rather seldom see a drastic change in your condition, which gives the illusion that homeopathy doesn't work. But it does... you just have to learn how to recognize the minute changes within your condition. This is not only about the sickness and symptoms within your body. You must also become aware that your life and your environment also changes. If you don't see it then ask your therapist who will point out to you the changes which happen in your life and which are part of the healing process activated by homeopathy This may seem like a fairy tale and you may not fully understand what I am talking about. But this is homeopathy. It works on completely different level and according to different principle ( as I have said before ). Thus you either take for granted what I am talking about or you will need to learn more about it to get a better understanding of it.
And this is what I have seen today with a person who follows the treatment with Manuel Garcia. In the beginning she was very skeptical about homeopathy which is also the result of previous experiences with it but after 2 months she starts to change her attitude towards it and this is because her condition has started to change. But this is not just the condition. Her life around her also changes. Actually she changes herself and this influences the environment around her and with this one goes the change in regards to her condition. She told me about it today. Of course she did not connect the change in her environment and how she has become more confident as a person with the homeopathy but I did and I have pointed it out to her. It is not a coincidence. It is not an illusion. The change is real. Although it goes slow she is pleased with it. And thus we will continue with it under condition that she is ready to continue.
In any case the 2nd point is the one which most of the people struggle to comprehend and later spread rumours that homeopathy doesn't work. Because we are used to put a sample under the microscope then put a chemical ( medicine ) into it and we expect to see immediate changes. And if we don't then we take for granted that this particular chemical doesn't work with this condition. But what about if the homeopathy works on many levels which are beyond what the microscope "can see" and also the changes are slower and thus the scientist must wait longer time to see the changes in the sample ?