I am catching up with posting online my articles.
"For the sake of peace I will say nothing"...
I remember once talking with my mother about the problem of my father with alcohol addiction. And I was surprised to hear her saying that she regrets that she did not stand up when it was all starting. She said that there was a situation when my father started to make alcohol at home. It was not for sale. It was just to get the cheap vodka. But then because it was so cheap and at hand then he was reaching for it more often than he normally would.
She didn't like it and she wanted to do something about it. She said that she wanted to throw out the whole equipment away into the rubbish containers but she didn't. The reason was that my father explodes very easy with anger accompanied by shouting etc. and thus my mother did not want to provoke my father. She did not want to stir up the "peace" and she did not stand up.
And now she regrets it greatly because she has not lived in peace. As a matter of fact she has been living the hell for more than 30 years because my father has got addicted to alcohol. And this is not the end because still falls into it from time to time. He is possessed by it and he himself believes that there is nothing that can be done about it.
Anyway the point is that compromising and confronting the situation "for the sake of peace" will never give us the peace. It will maybe give us the illusion of temporary peace but in the end we will have to face the consequences of not standing up and directing the situation according to the principle of what is best for all.
When we live the principle of what is best for all then there is no need to go on compromise. Compromise is an idea created within the ego to defend its existence. If there is only what is best for all then there is no place for ego which want only the best for itself and it doesn't care about the rest. And thus ego to protect itself ( although it is an illusion ) has come up with the idea of compromise - I give you something but you have to give up your values of what is best for all so that ego can still continue to exist.
Thus I recommend that you never keep your mouth for the sake of peace. Stand up, confront the situation and look for the solution which is best for all. If you don't do it then you will regret it because of the consequences which you will have to face and live. It is not worth it.