I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I work as a practitioner of natural medicine and sometimes I have patients who are sick and the healing process would require the cleaning of their organism and changing their diet completely. Of course food is not the only cause of the sickness but yet it plays very important role because if the body doesn't get the proper nutrients then it cannot function properly. And thus I am explaining to them that they should make literally a revolution with their diet and start eating foods which are as natural and as least processed as possible.
And I could write at least few articles ( if not a whole book ) about it but this time I am going to focus on only one element. Thus it is very surprising to hear that people don't want to give up drinking coca-cola and for many it is literally shocking to hear that they would have to stop drinking it. Some of the people don't even drink pure water anymore but instead they drink every day around 2 liters of coca-cola and they have been doing it for years now.
Well done Coca-Cola Corporation !!!
You have achieved it. People cannot live without drinking your product. And it is really good for you because you make the fortune on it.
Maybe you don't realize it or maybe you do but you don't give a f..k about it that your product makes people sick. Yeah... your product is a poison... it is toxic for the body.
But there is no point in blaming Coca-Cola Corporation for it. Because in the end it is us who drink it even though we hear all the time about the negative effects of this sweet and fuzzy drink. If we were smart enough and we would not buy this product then Coca-Cola Corp. would have to either close down completely or change their production line to something which is demanded by the market ( other healthy foods or drinks ).
Thus it is not them. It is us. We could change and literally force the company to make the change and stop producing this toxic drink but in this moment we are addicted to their drink and we have given our power away to it. And thus we are powerless and we cannot make any change. And you know what... if suddenly many people stopped drinking coca-cola this would have an effect on a global scale. Yeah... of course this would create temporarily chaos but in the end we could see positive change.
Coca-cola contains a lot of sugar in it and thus somebody has to plant and grow sugar canes. And a lot of it !!! And this land could be easily used for growing other type of foods which would help to deal with the problem of starvation in the world. We already know that about 1 billion of people in the world are not getting proper nutrition. Of course the cause of the problem lies not solely in the Coca-Cola Company using the land for sugar cane plantation but yet it is obvious that this plays big role in this whole global problem of starvation.
Anyway let's get back to my patients. Many of them don't want to give up drinking coca-cola despite my explanations about the damage that they are doing to themselves. They simply don't want to do it. They have been brainwashed efficiently by the persistent marketing of the Coca-Cola Corp and they believe that drinking it is normal. Or even if they realize about it from the jokes and news on Facebook they still continue drinking it because they believe that they can escape the consequences of drinking it by taking pills from the doctors.
Well... this is just another illusion of yours. You cannot escape the consequences of it. You can only make yourself to believe that you do.