I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In my kitchen there is a rack which has a plastic tray for water dripping of the plates and cups which I wash. After few days I need to empty this tray because it fills up with water.
This is not a big deal... is it ?
But what struck me was that this tray had some kind of slime on it. And I was very surprised by it and I have asked myself question: "WTF ?". Because it was very disgusting to touch...
And this supposed to be clean water which dripped from clean plates and glasses !!!
Finally after many weeks I have understood that this must be the dish washing liquid that I use to wash the plates.
I know that this seems to be so obvious but I did not see it.
Why ?
This is part of the brainwashing with publicity and taking things for granted. In this case I took for granted that using the dish washing liquid is normal and I should not question it at all... just continue using it for the rest of my life !!! ...wow... another crap which I have accepted blindly in my mind !!!
Thus what is the observation and realisation in regards to the dish washing liquid ?
1. We take things for granted and we are blind to see that this is causing harm and damage to ourselves and the environment.
2. When we wash the plates we don't rinse it off well and its residue remains on the plates and next time when we use it, it gets into our digestive system. Is it harmful ? I don't know but there is a big chance that yes.
3. Apart from our digestive system and the whole body this chemical also gets into the waterways and pollutes the environment.
4. Lately I cook food and I almost don't use the oils or butter and thus the plates can be easy washed with warm water. There is no need to use the dish washing liquid. Thus I am asking myself question why am I using it ? Point number 1... taking things for granted.
All makes sense... it is logic... but I was blind and it took me some 30 years to get to this point. And I guess that I am lucky that I have realised it today because many people will die without realising it.