I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Ok... then what is the solution in this situation ?
Although this is not going to be easy because we are dealing with international corporations which are well protected by the laws and they have access to billions of dollars, it doesn't mean that we can do nothing about it.
Thus here are the practical solutions...
First of all we must realise that animals are not less than humans. They are beings equal to us. And I refer here to the life essence which is expressed in the form of animal because otherwise animals are much more evolved than humans. They don't have computers but they don't destroy their home ( earth ) like humans do. And this is just one small example.
We should start to teach all children and the adults to respect all animals.
Secondly stop insulting animals. I refer here to idiomatic expressions like:
- "He eats like pig"
- "He behaves like animal"
- "Pig-headed"
- "dirty like animals"
- Etc.
Animals are generally very clean and they take care of their body. They are not fat unless humans force them to eat foods and steroids to make them bigger to make more profit. Animals generally don't get drunk like humans. And some of these animal idiomatic expressions are not true but yet they create false image within the mind of people in regards to animals and later people don't respect the animals and allow the abuse in the laboratories.
I am certain that this next point of practical solution to stop the animal abuse in laboratories will raise a lot of opposition among the people.
Look if you walk into the big supermarket you see literally hundreds of various cosmetics and other beauty products. And I tell you that you don't really need all of this shit. Animals don't use the cosmetics and they are fine without them.
You may ask what about the smell from our body ?
To be continued...